Blake Dito

Full-Stack Developer

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About Me


A musician, amateur history buff, & loving dog-dad, I'm always on the lookout for the next challenge. Several years ago working for a small company, heavy layoffs in my department left us against the wall to keep up with our workload. My solution was to create an excel tool that multiplied individual productivity by automating processes and tasks, taking us from desperation to success. It planted a seed that drew me towards web development and inspired my journey into a new field.

Full-stack developer with experience in HTML/CSS, javascript, express, handlebars, sequelize, mysql, mongoDB, node js, and React.


So What Can I do for you?

Clean, functional and unique design that highlights your product

Responsive websites for any size device

Big and small projects alike

Contact Me!

I can work with you to make your vision a reality!

I'm excited to provide a clean, well constructed site for your customers!

Ping me via email to talk about your project!